# These settings will keep spiders from indexing your unwanted pages # This assumes that your OSC install is in your web site's CATALOG directory # ie: http://www.yoursite.com/catalog/index.php <- Use if this brings up your OSC main page User-agent: * Disallow: /catalog/ Disallow: /catalog/product_reviews.php Disallow: /*&action=buy_now Disallow: /catalog/images Disallow: /catalog/includes Disallow: /catalog/cgi-bin Disallow: /catalog/account.php Disallow: /catalog/account_edit.php Disallow: /catalog/account_history.php Disallow: /catalog/account_history_info.php Disallow: /catalog/account_password.php Disallow: /catalog/add_checkout_success.php Disallow: /catalog/address_book.php Disallow: /catalog/address_book_process.php Disallow: /catalog/advanced_search.php Disallow: /catalog/checkout_confirmation.php Disallow: /catalog/checkout_payment.php Disallow: /catalog/checkout_payment_address.php Disallow: /catalog/checkout_process.php Disallow: /catalog/checkout_shipping.php Disallow: /catalog/checkout_shipping_address.php Disallow: /catalog/checkout_success.php Disallow: /catalog/contact_us.php Disallow: /catalog/cookie_usage.php Disallow: /catalog/create_account.php Disallow: /catalog/create_account_success.php Disallow: /catalog/login.php Disallow: /catalog/password_forgotten.php Disallow: /catalog/popup_image.php Disallow: /catalog/shopping_cart.php Disallow: /catalog/product_reviews_write.php # Feel free to add any other pages on your site that you don't want to be indexed by # the search engines. # PLEASE NOTE: Any pages that you list here should be secured by other means if you # don't want people to be able to view them, as some malicious users will look at a # robots.txt file to try to find "hidden" or "secret" areas of web sites to find # confidential information. # IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE THE GOOGLE IMAGE BOT SCAN YOUR DOMAIN FOR IMAGES # THEN YOU CAN INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING IN YOUR ROBOTS FILE. # I FOUND THAT MY BANDWIDTH USAGE DROPPED BY A MASSIVE AMOUNT AFTER I GOT RID # OF THE GOOGLE IMAGE BOT. ALL I HAD WAS IMAGE HUNTERS STEALING PRODUCT SHOTS # AND NOT EVEN BROWSING THE SITE.